Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Elliott's 1 Week Birthday

Elliott has been so much fun to have around. He’s such a big guy for his age already. He holds his head up really well on his own. He’s a really good sleeper but we’re having a hard time getting him to eat. He hates getting his diaper changed and he hates bath time, but as soon as we’re done snapping up his onsie after a diaper change or wrapping him up in a towel after bath, he’s totally content. He loves being swaddled in his blanket. He’ll be fussy and crying and as soon as we’re done wrapping him up he’ll fall right to sleep. He loves to have tummy time, too. Sometimes when I'm being creepy and watch him sleep, he smiles a ton. We like to think he's dreaming of Heaven. What else would he be thinking about? We compared Elliott’s first week to JJ’s first week and they are a lot alike. JJ also hated bath time and getting his diaper changed. He’s the sweetest little guy we’ve ever met! We just love him.

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