Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!


Thanks for the Easter basket, Great Grandma!

I'm so sad I didn't get a picture of all of us in our Sunday attire, but Elliott was ready for his nap so we just headed home :( This will have to do for our family Easter picture this year!

My awesome photographer friend showed me how to work our fancy camera so I could get some good pictures of this guy!

Elliott's BFF, Rowe.

Elliott didn't want to be in Relief Society.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Selling Things!

We're trying to get rid of some extra things we have, so let me know if you're interested! I will ship if you're willing to pay for shipping costs. Email or text me to buy! PS I apologize for the poor quality and lighting. Will furnish more/better pictures upon request!

Leaf hangy thing. 48" x 11"

Chalkboard with shelf and hooks. 21.5" x 17.5" shelf is 2.5" deep

Ikea lamp.

Shelf holders (I don't know what else to call them. You put them under a shelf to look like it's holding the shelf up. Could use some spray paint if gold doesn't match your colors.) 9" x 4.5"
$5 for pair

Cool picture. Paid $70 from Z Gallery. 34" x 26"

Bowl of balls.

Smaller leaf hangy thing. 28" x 10"


Two curtain panels from Ikea. Paid $70. I didn't measure them hanging up, but they're approximately 53" x 80".
$25 for pair

Trip to Bakersfield

This trip happened in November. I'm so bad at keeping up with this darn thing. My mom and I decided to take a last minute trip to visit our family in Bakersfield, so we packed up and arrived at about 2 am to surprise everyone! I think they were ok with us waking them in the middle of the night...this time.

Baby Gunner


Elliott found some friends to sleep with

Kalee & Garrett

Rene & Rebekah



Aunt Amber & Baby Gunner

Cutest grandparents around!

Great Aunt Jamie & Elliott

Great Uncle Jared & Elliott's crazy hair

Elliott's Abuelo

Great Uncle Jake & some more of Elliott's crazy hair

Look at those muscles!

Love them!

These next ones are really poor quality. The iPhone sucks and I don't feel like editing them. If you have a picture with Elliott that you like, let me know and I'll edit it for you!

Look at that side profile, they look just alike! Elliott and Great Grandpa

Great Aunt Amber

This is my sister, Lex, when she was a baby. She and Elliott look so much alike!

But this is Lex now. Aunt Lex & Elliott

Cousins born exactly 3 months apart. Gunner & Elliott at Dewar's

Great Aunt Bekah, Elliott & Kyle the photobomber!

"Judd women make the best women." It's true, we are the best.
(Left to right) Rebekah (with baby Adalynn in her belly), me, Lisa, Amber, and Grandma Teresa

All of the cousins (minus me) Kalee, Chamille, Lex, Garrett, Kyle, Elliott & Gunner

Grandma, Chamille & Lex

Grandma & me

Mom, Chamille, Grandma, Lex & me

Great Grandma is so funny!