Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week Three

JJ and I were living in California for a few months for JJ's summer internship. Luckily, it was only a couple of hours away from Bakersfield so Elliott was so lucky to be able to meet the Judd side of his family! We had such an awesome time. It was great seeing friends and family before we had to go home to Arizona.

Great Grandpa Dick
 Great Aunt Amber
 Cousin Kalee

 Great Uncle Jake

Aunt Mia & Baby Jasper
He was being shy!
 Great Uncle Jared
 Great Aunt Jamie and Cousin Gunner in her belly!

I'm missing a few pictures of Great Grandma and Great Aunt Bekah, but when I find them I'll edit this post. He had such a good day that day and I'm so happy we were able to show off our little bug to my side of the family. We love them!

Week Two


Elliott is starting to get the hang of being a human. He doesn’t always scream when we change his diaper now and he’s starting to like bath time. Ever since his umbilical cord fell off and we can put him under water completely, he seems to really like it. It relaxes him, but as soon as you take him out he starts to cry until he’s wrapped up in his towel. He’s getting stronger and stronger every day! We can really see it when he’s on the floor for tummy time. He sleeps through the night really well. He usually only wakes up one or two times a night. He’s getting a lot better at eating, too. My favorite thing about him is how cuddly he is. He loves to cuddle. One morning he was being fussy and I couldn’t figure out why. He had just eaten, been burped, and had a clean diaper. He was laying in his crib and usually he just falls asleep on his own, but not this time. I picked him up to lay in bed with him and he fell right to sleep. All he needed was a cuddle buddy. He's the sweetest! At his two week appointment he was 9 lbs 4 oz and 21.5 inches. His doctor was so amazed at how mature he is for his age. She said he is so much more alert than most babies at two weeks. She also said they usually worry about babies regaining their birth weight, but he did all that and more! He is healthy and we feel so blessed to have such a perfect little (big) boy!

Elliott's 1 Week Birthday

Elliott has been so much fun to have around. He’s such a big guy for his age already. He holds his head up really well on his own. He’s a really good sleeper but we’re having a hard time getting him to eat. He hates getting his diaper changed and he hates bath time, but as soon as we’re done snapping up his onsie after a diaper change or wrapping him up in a towel after bath, he’s totally content. He loves being swaddled in his blanket. He’ll be fussy and crying and as soon as we’re done wrapping him up he’ll fall right to sleep. He loves to have tummy time, too. Sometimes when I'm being creepy and watch him sleep, he smiles a ton. We like to think he's dreaming of Heaven. What else would he be thinking about? We compared Elliott’s first week to JJ’s first week and they are a lot alike. JJ also hated bath time and getting his diaper changed. He’s the sweetest little guy we’ve ever met! We just love him.

Over Due

This was the day before I went into labor. JJ and I had a really nice "last day" together. It was the perfect ending to a perfect weekend. We went on one last date at the Cheesecake Factory and watched the new Batman movie. It was great. I never thought I'd say this, but I miss that baby in my belly. I look at these pictures and can't help but feel a little sad. I'll never be that close to him again. Although pregnancy can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, it's so special.