Friday, November 9, 2012

Catching Up

I am the worst blogger ever! I can never find the time to sit down and upload pictures, edit them, write, etc. It takes too long. Anyways, I'll just show you some pictures of what we've been up to for the past few months. By the way, these are totally out of order, but I'll try to end with the most recent pictures.

We could not wake him up. He was totally crashed.

Clark likes to go for car rides with me. He just sits there like a human.

He was about 2 months old here.

Elliott and Rowe like to hang out when their moms get together on Wednesdays for craft night while dads are at mutual.

I love how he sleeps with his hands next to his face.


And this is his pooping face.

Mr. Clark ran too fast on the asphalt and tore up the pads of his paws. Poor guy was off his feet for two days. He got special treatment and we let him sleep in our bed when he wasn't feeling well.

My stocky little guy.

Looking good for church.

Thumbs up! And no, we did not pose this. He put his thumb up on his own.

Happy boy!

Learning to make chile verde with mom.

He was about 7 weeks right here. I miss how little he was!

Nap buddies.

We're so lucky we got such a patient dog.

I decided it's time to wear scarves, even though it's still in the 70s.

He loves his daddy.

This was on his 3 month birthday!

When Clark wants to play fetch, he brings his bone or ball over to you and will set it in your lap. I went into the kitchen to make Elliott a bottle before I got him out of his seat and I came back to this. Clark was just staring at him, like, "Why aren't you doing anything?" Haha...we're still laughing about it.

Just kickin' back watching Bonnie Bear, drinkin' his bottle. He doesn't usually hold his bottle on his own, I just got lucky enough to snap a picture before he put it down.

I'm starting to get reeeaally good at crafts. I'm pretty impressed with myself, actually. Kacey and I made bow ties for our little guys for church.

And as you can tell, he looks so incredibly handsome with it.

Hanging out with Aunt Chamille

And Aunt Lex

Clark is just always looking so good these days.

Elliott got his first haircut when he was 12 weeks old. It was getting so long that it started getting tangled in the back. He looks so handsome with his new do!

This is his precious cousin, Lylah.

Grandpa Jon

Playing in the grass at about 12 weeks old.

"Can we be done taking pictures yet?"

We got to take him on his first camping trip!

When there is any kind of body of water, Clark is in it. It's really hard to get him out of it, too.

Elliott's first Halloween as a Hostess cupcake! Yes, I also made this. I'm telling you, I'm getting good at this craft thing.

This is a terrible picture of me, but I'm working on getting in more pictures with him, no matter what I look like. I want him to have pictures of us together.

Just being cute, it's what he does best.

Clark was looking so good on his first election day. You gotta love a dog who loves his country.

I got to vote in my first Presidential election!

And Elliott got to vote for bananas. I guess he prefers them over mommy.

Morning walk with my boys.

And he finally found his feet. He's in love. He just tries to eat them all day.

While I stay home with the boys, JJ is off working hard and stays busy at school. He's really involved in his program at ASU and he was just called to be the Assistant Scout Master for the Deacons in our ward. He loves it and is so good at what he does. We're very proud of that man. I'm sorry this is the longest blog post ever. I'll try and be better at blogging, but I'm pretty sure that won't happen.