Saturday, December 8, 2012

Splish Splash He Was Takin a Bath

Last night Elliott found out about splashing in the water. He started out with his fingers splashing and eventually had both arms and both legs going. At one point he was even out of breath from splashing so hard. Ha ha! My shirt and the bathroom floor were pretty wet by the time we got him out of there. It was way too cute not to share! So this morning I caught it on video. We normally don't give him baths this often, but he's been around a few sick people the last couple of days and he's starting to sound a little stuffy, so that means he gets extra baths and extra cuddles. Luckily, it didn't turn into a full blown cold (not yet, anyways), so I think we got lucky and caught it in time. Here he is!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Elliott has rolled over before but he hasn't done it a lot. Mostly because he just doesn't want to. He's starting to roll over on purpose a lot more now so I caught it on video!

When he gets sleepy at night he thinks everything is HILARIOUS. It's so funny. Plus, JJ had a scruffy face in this video so it was tickling him. I love his little laugh!

Family Photos!

We just got our family pictures done by the amazing Kacey Reed and I could not be happier! (Click on the picture for a larger view.)

If some of these are on here twice, it's because I had a little interruption during the uploading process and I'm too tired to go through them again. :)